2022 Calendar of Events
Sunday |
Winter Walk into History
UPDATE: Some of the planned trails are EXTREMEMLY icy. Ice gripping devices attached to boots are REQUIRED for this walk (Stabil-Icers or similar). The walk leader has a few to lend out, or they can be purchased at Ace Hardware in Westborough (small size) or in Worcester (other sizes). To reserve a loaner pair, email events@westboroughlandtrust.org.
It is also possible to attend the history talk at the beginning of the walk, but leave before the actual walk. The former Westborough State Hospital is surrounded by beautiful woods as well as interesting history. This walk begins at the new pavilion on the shore of Lake Chauncy. Here a brief introduction to the fascinating story of Westborough State Hospital will be given, illustrated by historical plaques in the pavilion. We will then enjoy the crisp air and winter views on a two-mile walk exploring some of the lesser-known trails in the adjacent Wayne F. MacCallum Wildlife Management Area, on woodland trails with some small hills. Directions: Take Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller Way [formerly Hospital Road] off Lyman Street in Westborough. Go straight up the hill, past the soccer fields on your left. Then take the very last left turn before the parking lot for the condo building. Where that road meets the lakeshore, park in the lot near the yellow gate. Meet at the pavilion by the parking area. No reservation needed. Check for weather cancellations before setting out. Contact: events@westboroughlandtrust.org |
Sunday |
Making Maple Syrup at Home
Do you think you have a sugar maple tree in your yard? Have you ever wondered if you could make your own natural maple syrup, but didn’t know how to get started? Or maybe you thought the equipment would be too expensive and hard to find?
You can do this! Come find out how to identify a sugar maple, how to collect sap using a few dollars’ worth of equipment from any hardware store, and how to boil the sap to make syrup, candy, and more. Presenter Janet Anderson has been making maple syrup from her backyard trees in Westborough for over a decade, and has made all the mistakes so you don’t have to! Samples will be offered. Dress to go outdoors, as the talk will conclude with a demonstration of tapping a nearby sugar maple tree. No reservation needed. Location: Tatnuck Bookseller meeting room, 18 Lyman St., Westborough. Contact: events@westboroughlandtrust.org |
Tuesday |
Earth Day Essay Contest starts
WCLT Earth Day Essay Contest & Scholarships
The Westborough Community Land Trust (WCLT) is offering two scholarships of $1000 each, to be awarded to the winners of its 2022 Earth Day Essay Contest, which runs March 1 – April 11. Open to graduating Westborough High School (WHS) seniors and to graduating seniors who reside in Westborough but attend a different high school. As of March 1, contest details and scholarship applications are available from the Westborough High School guidance office OR online on the Westborough Community Land Trust website (westboroughlandtrust.org). Contact: scholarship@westboroughlandtrust.org |
Saturday |
*** CANCELLED *** Snakes of New England and the World
Unfortunately, the presenter has tested positive for covid.
[In-person indoor event; masks required for those over age 2.] Bring the family and join us for our always-popular spring free live animal show! Meet some fascinating harmless reptiles you may find while out walking in Westborough, as well as some impressive specimens from around the world. Learn to identify, respect, and protect these fragile creatures. You will be allowed to touch the animals—this show is always a big hit with the young and the curious of all ages! Plan to arrive early as seating is limited. Location: Knights of Columbus Hall, 17 Willow St., Westborough MA; parking lot in rear. Overflow parking is in Arturo’s parking lot, 54 East Main St.--Walk behind the Arturo’s building to cross directly into the rear of the KofC parking lot. There is no parking along Willow Street. Presented by Rick Roth of the Cape Ann Vernal Pond Team. No reservation required. Free; donations gratefully accepted at the door. This program is supported in part by a grant from the Westborough Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency. Also supported in part by the Westborough Newcomers Club. Contact: events@westboroughlandtrust.org |
Friday |
Evening Woodcock Walk
As the sun sets in spring, the American Woodcock performs a spectacular mating ritual. We will walk gentle trails with Laura Lane of the Forbush Bird Club to listen for the Woodcock’s unique call and watch its amazing sky dance. Families with school-age children are welcome.
Note: Walk will be canceled in case of heavy rain REQUIRED pre-registration opens on Wednesday, March 30; please contact walk leader Laura Lane by 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 31, to register: (508)-480-8259 or email: pete.lane@comcast.net Meet at the Mass Wildlife Field Headquarters, 1 Rabbit Hill Road (off North Drive) in Westborough. Trail Map: https://westboroughcharm.org/guide/maps/map_FishWildlife.pdf |
Saturday |
Earth Day Town-Wide Cleanup and Cleanup Volunteers’ Picnic
Monday |
Essay & scholarship application DEADLINE
WCLT Earth Day Essay Contest & Scholarships
Earth Day essays and scholarship applications due on paper to the Westborough High School Guidance Office, OR on paper by mail (in time to be received by the deadline) to WCLT, P.O. Box 838, Westborough, MA 01581, OR electronically by email to scholarship@westboroughlandtrust.org. Contact: scholarship@westboroughlandtrust.org |
Thursday |
Thursday Morning Bird Walk #1
We will hike trails of the MacCallum Wildlife Refuge by Lake Chauncy in search of migrant warblers with Nick Paulson of the Forbush Bird Club. This is the first of three Thursday morning walks in this very productive area.
REQUIRED pre-registration opens on Tuesday, April 26. Please email or text walk leader Nick Paulson by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 27, to register: grendelpgill@yahoo.com or (508) 330-4401 Directions: Take Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller Way [formerly Hospital Road] off Lyman Street in Westborough. Go straight up the hill, past the soccer fields on your left. Then take the very last left turn before the parking lot for the condo building. Where that road meets the lakeshore, park in the lot near the yellow gate. Trail Map: https://westboroughcharm.org/guide/maps/map_FishWildlife.pdf |
Sunday |
May Day Family Nature Hike
Celebrate May Day with a Family Nature Walk offered by Girl Scout Gold Award candidate Sophie Scerbin, in connection with the Westborough Community Land Trust!
Sophie will introduce the new “Exploration Rangers” program she has created, aimed at increasing awareness of our local nature and trails in kids grades K-6. Click off the devices and click on the wonder, as we explore the mysteries of nature as part of Westborough Unplugs 2022! Please print your own booklet prior to arriving. Meet at Bowman Conservation Area parking lot on Bowman Street. Wear long pants, sturdy shoes, and bring water. Free; no reservation required. Trail Map: https://westboroughcharm.org/guide/maps/bowman_map.pdf Contact: events@westboroughlandtrust.org |
Thursday |
Thursday Morning Bird Walk #2
Join us early on Thursday morning to search for migrant warblers and other songbirds along the north shore of Lake Chauncy with Nick Paulson of the Forbush Bird Club.
REQUIRED pre-registration opens on Tuesday, May 3. Please email or text walk leader Nick Paulson by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 4, to register: grendelpgill@yahoo.com or (508)330-4401 Directions: Take Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller Way [formerly Hospital Road] off Lyman Street in Westborough. Go straight up the hill, past the soccer fields on your left. Then take the very last left turn before the parking lot for the condo building. Where that road meets the lakeshore, park in the lot near the yellow gate. |
Thursday |
Thursday Morning Bird Walk #3
Spring migration is at its peak! Don’t miss our last early-morning hike on the north side of Lake Chauncy with Nick Paulson of the Forbush Bird Club.
REQUIRED pre-registration opens on Tuesday, May 10. Please email or text walk leader Nick Paulson by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, May 11, to register: grendelpgill@yahoo.com or (508)330-4401 Directions: Take Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller Way [formerly Hospital Road] off Lyman Street in Westborough. Go straight up the hill, past the soccer fields on your left. Then take the very last left turn before the parking lot for the condo building. Where that road meets the lakeshore, park in the lot near the yellow gate. |
Sunday |
*** CANCELLED *** Geology Walk: The Making of Westborough
Cancelled due to predicted extreme heat.
Learn about Westborough’s landscape and how it was shaped by glaciers. The major glacial periods covered the land in a mile-thick ice sheet eight different times over the last million years! During this 2.5-mile round-trip hike, leader Andy Koenigsberg will take the group along the west and south sides of Lake Chauncy, and north to visit a glacially deposited former sand and gravel quarry. Come away with an understanding of how New England’s rocky, hilly, pond-filled landscape came to exist as we see it today. Directions: Take Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller Way [formerly Hospital Road] off Lyman Street in Westborough. Go straight up the hill, past the soccer fields on your left. Then take the very last left turn before the parking lot for the condo building. Where that road meets the lakeshore, park and meet near the yellow gate. No reservation needed. Check for weather cancellations before setting out. Contact: events@westboroughlandtrust.org |
Monday |
Owls of New England (Speaker: Peter Christoph) And WCLT Annual Meeting
[In-person indoor event; masks will be required for everyone over the age of 2.]
In this captivating presentation, wildlife photographer Peter Christoph delivers stunning photographs of his favorite owls combined with stories that entertain, educate and inspire. You’ll learn the secrets Peter uses to find and photograph these same owls in the wild in their natural habitat! Eight common species of owls in New England include: Great Horned, Barred, and Eastern Screech – all year-round residents and fairly easy to spot. Long-eared, Short-eared, and Snowy are winter migrants and breed far north of us. Northern Saw-whet Owls do breed in New England but are quite small and rarely seen. Barn Owls have bred in New England but are the toughest of all to find. He’ll wrap up this exceptional wildlife program with beautiful images of a vagrant migrant- a rare visitor called the Great Gray Owl. Reception and Annual Meeting to follow. Location St. Lukes Parish Center, 1 Ruggles St., Westborough, MA. Contact: events@westboroughlandtrust.org |
Sunday |
Mushrooms of Westborough
Come learn about mushrooms with WLCT!
Mushrooms, the fruiting bodies of fungi, are incredibly diverse in color, shape, and texture. They attract our senses with the variety they bring to the forest floor. Over one thousand species are known in Massachusetts! In addition to their beauty, they play a key role in forest ecology. We will look at how to recognize and identify mushrooms, use several field guides, and discuss fungus ecology on a leisurely walk in a woodland trail setting. We will not discuss edibility. Free, no registration required. Meet at the trailhead for the Libby/Wile Forest, at the end of Carroll Drive, Westborough, MA. Trail Map: http://westboroughcharm.org/guide/maps/libbeywile_trail_map.pdf Contact: events@westboroughlandtrust.org |
Sunday |
Westborough Community Land Trust 25th Anniversary Party!
Come celebrate a quarter century of WCLT making Westborough a better place!
Drop in at the tent at Nourse Farm from 1-3 pm, and enjoy an afternoon of events for all ages: * The Caterpillar Lab from Marlborough, NH with a fascinating drop-in display of live butterflies, caterpillars, and chrysalises! * Corn hole and games! * Music! * Self-guided farm hikes! * Food for purchase at the farm stand and the Veg Out food truck! * From 3-4 pm, learn and reminisce about WCLT’s early days with speakers, recognitions, a slide show, and complimentary hors d’oeuvres. Free, open to the public, rain or shine, no reservation needed. Location: 80 Jasper Street, Westborough MA, off Nourse Street. Parking available on Jasper Street. Contact: events@westboroughlandtrust.org |
Monday |
Monday Morning Fall Birding Walk #1
This is the first of three Monday morning bird walks during the peak of fall migration. The area north of Lake Chauncy is very productive for birding.
Binoculars strongly suggested. This walk is co-sponsored by the Forbush Bird Club. Registration is required. To register, please contact walk leader Nick Paulson by 5 p.m. on Sunday, October 2 (grendelpgill@yahoo.com, or text or leave voice message at 508-330-4401). Directions: Take Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller Way [formerly Hospital Road] off Lyman Street in Westborough. Go straight up the hill, past the soccer fields on your left. Then take the very last left turn before the parking lot for the condo building. Where that road meets the lakeshore, park in the lot near the yellow gate. |
Monday |
Monday Morning Fall Birding Walk #2
This is the second of three Monday morning bird walks. Mid-October is a great time to discover uncommon sparrows and warblers in the fields near Lake Chauncy.
Binoculars strongly suggested. This walk is co-sponsored by the Forbush Bird Club. Please note later start time. Directions: Take Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller Way [formerly Hospital Road] off Lyman Street in Westborough. Go straight up the hill, past the soccer fields on your left. Then take the very last left turn before the parking lot for the condo building. Where that road meets the lakeshore, park in the lot near the yellow gate. Contact: events@westboroughlandtrust.org |
Sunday |
Westborough Community Land Trust 25th Anniversary Hike
WCLT’s first organized hike was at the Bowman West property.
Re-create that walk, with commentary about the early days of WCLT and the work that has been done at Bowman West and our other trails in the past 25 years. Meet at Bowman Conservation Area on Bowman Street, Westborough. WCLT founding member Tim Buckalew will be the walk leader. Free; no reservation required. Trail Map: https://westboroughcharm.org/guide/maps/bowmanwest_trail_map.pdf Contact: events@westboroughlandtrust.org |
Monday |
Monday Morning Fall Birding Walk #3
This is the third of three Monday morning bird walks. November offers a wide variety of waterfowl stopping at Lake Chauncy during their migration.
Binoculars strongly suggested. This walk is co-sponsored by the Forbush Bird Club. Directions: Take Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller Way [formerly Hospital Road] off Lyman Street in Westborough. Go straight up the hill, past the soccer fields on your left. Then take the very last left turn before the parking lot for the condo building. Where that road meets the lakeshore, park in the lot near the yellow gate. |
Sunday |
Morning-long Fall Birding Walk
In our final fall birding walk, we will explore fields and ponds around Northborough and Westborough and the Wayne F. MacCallum Wildlife Management Area.
Binoculars strongly suggested. This walk is co-sponsored by the Forbush Bird Club. Directions: Meet at the Casta Diva Restaurant parking lot, 35 Solomon Pond Road, in Northborough. Contact: events@westboroughlandtrust.org |
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Westborough Community Land Trust, PO Box 838, Westborough , MA 01581
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