Westborough Community Land Trust
You can now join, renew your membership, or donate online:
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See videos of WCLT events:
WCLT Earth Day Scholarship Essay Contest
The Westborough Community Land Trust (WCLT) is offering two scholarships of $1000 each, to be awarded to the winners of its annual Earth Day Essay Contest. The contest and scholarships are open to graduating Westborough High School (WHS) seniors and to graduating seniors who reside in Westborough but attend a different high school. The contest runs March 1 – April 11.
To apply, students can get contest details and scholarship application forms from the Westborough High School guidance office as of March 1 OR download them below.
The deadline is Friday, April 11, 2025 for receipt of the essays and applications. Students submit their Earth Day essay and scholarship applications electronically by email to scholarship@westboroughlandtrust.org
Download the details and application form:
Contest details (pdf) or
Contest details (Google doc)
Application form (pdf) or
Application form (Google doc)
-- Note: A Google doc can be downloaded in various formats.
(Use File->Download on the Google Doc page.)
Earth Day Town-Wide Cleanup with Online Sign-up!
Saturday, April 5
Friday, April 12
Earth Day Event
Group/Club/Business Sign-up: February 1-March 10, 2025
Family/Individual Sign-up: March 31-April 3, 2025
Cleanup: Week of April 5-12, 2025
Join the annual town-wide litter clean-up sponsored by the Westborough Community Land Trust!
Come on your own, or rally your family, co-workers, or neighbors and form a team to beautify our town!
Larger groups please email earthday@westboroughlandtrust.org by March 10 to sign up.
Families and individuals go to westboroughlandtrust.org/earth-day-signup between March 31 and April 3 to sign up and choose an area to clean.
Trash bags will be dropped off at participants’ homes by the 4th, or if necessary, you can arrange to pick up.
Clean your chosen area any day or time before noon on April 12. Leave closed bags by the road in the area you cleaned, and they will be removed on April 12.
Wear gloves, long pants, long sleeves, and sturdy shoes.
The people and wildlife of Westborough will be grateful for your efforts!
Contact: earthday@westboroughlandtrust.org
→→→ River otters are playful wild animals
→→→ WCLT’s Nature Notes Quiz on 2024
Westborough Community Land Trust

The Westborough Community Land Trust (WCLT) is a private, member-supported, nonprofit organization. The trust was established in 1997 to preserve open space in response to increasing development pressures.
Our purpose is to safeguard land to meet the environmental, recreational, agricultural, and scenic needs of the Town of Westborough and to preserve open space and the character of the land.
We pursue these goals through the acquisition and stewardship of land, educational activities, and advocacy in regard to the health of waterways, aquifers, and watersheds.

To date WCLT has preserved more than 206 acres of land and acts as stewards for close to 400 acres in Westborough.
To carry on these activities, WCLT has Land Preservation, Stewardship, Education, Membership, and Finance Committees.
WCLT welcomes new members from Westborough and the greater community.
What are the advantages of a land trust?
As a nonprofit organization, a land trust such as the Westborough Community Land Trust is able to receive gifts of land, purchase open space, or secure conservation rights. It can negotiate with landowners and developers to achieve balanced growth and undertake creative fundraising for land acquisition. Unlike an official municipal body, a land trust can negotiate sensitive land acquisitions and pursue the financing needed to achieve them in a timely, flexible fashion.
Hosting generously donated by DreamHost.
Westborough Community Land Trust, PO Box 838, Westborough , MA 01581
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