Westborough Community Land Trust

Please help WCLT protect open space for all to enjoy —
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Tour Fales School: Green Building Design at its Best

Sunday, February 2

1:00 - 3:00 PM

Did you know that Westborough’s Annie E. Fales School produces more power than it uses?

Tour this beautiful and very “green” building with the Westborough Community Land Trust!

Plan to arrive before 1 pm, as the doors will be locked at 1:00 when the program starts.

The presenters will be Caitlin Osepchuk, one of a team of Architects from HMFH who designed the building, and Peter Dunbeck of Sustainable Westborough.

We will first be given an introduction to the building, including its geothermal and solar features, in the school’s spacious cafeteria. We will then tour some of the classrooms and common areas to see how the building’s orientation, shape, and window placement help save energy.

If there is time after the presentation, we will take a short Groundhog Day nature walk at the Despres property across the street from Fales School for those interested.

Both events are free, open to the public, no reservation needed.

Check WestboroughLandTrust.org/ for cancellations.

Trail Map:

Contact: events@westboroughlandtrust.org

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    →→→ Get ready for black bears
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Westborough Community Land Trust


The Westborough Community Land Trust (WCLT) is a private, member-supported, nonprofit organization. The trust was established in 1997 to preserve open space in response to increasing development pressures.

Our purpose is to safeguard land to meet the environmental, recreational, agricultural, and scenic needs of the Town of Westborough and to preserve open space and the character of the land.

We pursue these goals through the acquisition and stewardship of land, educational activities, and advocacy in regard to the health of waterways, aquifers, and watersheds.


To date WCLT has preserved more than 206 acres of land and acts as stewards for close to 400 acres in Westborough.

To carry on these activities, WCLT has Land Preservation, Stewardship, Education, Membership, and Finance Committees.

WCLT welcomes new members from Westborough and the greater community.

What are the advantages of a land trust?

As a nonprofit organization, a land trust such as the Westborough Community Land Trust is able to receive gifts of land, purchase open space, or secure conservation rights. It can negotiate with landowners and developers to achieve balanced growth and undertake creative fundraising for land acquisition. Unlike an official municipal body, a land trust can negotiate sensitive land acquisitions and pursue the financing needed to achieve them in a timely, flexible fashion.

Hosting generously donated by DreamHost.

Westborough Community Land Trust, PO Box 838, Westborough , MA 01581
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