Volunteer Opportunities
The Westborough Community Land Trust is an all-volunteer organization. Whatever we accomplish is made possible by the hard work of our members. The organization is run by a Board of Directors and a group of committees. WCLT invites you to share your talents and enthusiasm, while meeting those who share your interests.
Listed below are some of our major volunteer opportunities. Please contact us if you'd like to receive more information (time commitment, specific needs, etc) or to volunteer!
Board of Directors
This is the group that oversees the activities of the land trust. New members are elected at the annual meeting in June. It is never too early to put your name in the ring for consideration.
Contact: president@westboroughlandtrust.org

Education Committee
This committee is responsible for most of our programming. Have you been on one of our nature walks? Or brought your kids to one of our live animal presentations? Do you have ideas for new programs? Join the Education Committee. Meets several times a year.
Contact: education@westboroughlandtrust.org
Finanance Committee
The Finanance Committee works with Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer to make sure WCLT is in compliance with state and federal regulations. Accounting experience, a background in law, experience with other non-profit organizations, or being detail-oriented are all desirable traits for members of this committee. Meets a few times a year.
Contact: treasurer@westboroughlandtrust.org
Land Preservation Committee
Works with landowners to protect or acquire open space. Prior experience with land protection, property law, or land appraisal is highly desirable. Being able to interact with landowners is even more desirable.
Contact: landpreservation@westboroughlandtrust.org

Stewardship Committee
Takes care of trails and WCLT property. Do you have a favorite hiking trail? Sign up to be a trail monitor and report on trail conditions. Or pledge to maintain a trail. Has your Girl Scout or Boy Scout hiked a Charm Bracelet Trial? Has your child worked on a Gold Award or Eagle Project on a WCLT trail? Come join the group that created those trails. Join the committee for its monthly meetings.
Contact: stewardship@westboroughlandtrust.org
Membership Committee
We are always looking for new members! This year we have had membership drives to bring in new members. We would also like to create a corporate membership category. If you like to recruit people or have close ties to the local business community, this could be the committee for you!
Contact: membership@westboroughlandtrust.org
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee consists of 5 members, 3 from the Board of Directors plus 2 members who are not Directors. This is the committee that finds people to serve on the Board. Most of the work takes place during a few meetings in late winter.
Contact: president@westboroughlandtrust.org

Outreach and Publicity Committee
Help us publicize our events and get the world out about WCLT. Special event planners are always in high demand. Experience in public relations or writing press releases is highly desirable. Or maybe you would simply like to post flyers around town advertising WCLT events. This committee has organized the WCLT 15th Anniversary Party, a wine-tasting event, and the photo contests. We will have another photo contest as soon as someone offers to organize it.
Contact: outreach@westboroughlandtrust.org
Open Space Preservation Committee
This is a town board appointed by the Board of Selectmen. There are currently openings on this committee. It would be great to have WCLT represented on this important town committee and to develop a productive partnership between WCLT and OSPC.
Contact: president@westboroughlandtrust.org

Special Events
WCLT frequently has events that you can help with in even if you do not join a committee. These events include the annual Earth Day Town-wide Litter Clean-up, trail-building work-parties, and invasive-plant removal activities.
Contact: earthday@westboroughlandtrust.org for Earth Day events.
Watch the WCLT website for information about other events.
Also, whenever you walk a trail, you can help by reporting any problems you notice to WCLT at trailreports@westboroughlandtrust.org .
If you have other ways to contribute, please contact us at volunteers@westboroughlandtrust.org
Have fun--join our activities!
Westborough Community Land Trust, PO Box 838, Westborough , MA 01581
-- Contact -- Contribute or Join! --