WCLT has acquired more than 206 acres of land to preserve open space, provide wildlife habitat, and protect aquifers. Some of these properties have trails, while others are for conservation purposes only. If you'd like to walk one of these trails, please visit the Charm Bracelet Trail Maps.
Upper Jackstraw Brook Reservation – 66.8 Acres

Photo Courtesy of S Shumway
Gilmore Pond
Four parcels along the headwaters of Jackstraw Brook:
Gilmore Pond Parcel – 12.9 Acres -
The crown jewel of this property is a historic 2-acre pond. With the help of the Westborough Civic Club and local Scout groups, WCLT has generated a woodland park in this suburban setting. Donated to WCLT as part of the Orchard Hill development. Read a brief History of Gilmore Pond. Orchard Hill Parcel – 22.3 Acres –
A beautiful woodland extending from Gilmore Farm Road out to Ruggles Street. Donated to WCLT as part of the Orchard Hill developmentPheasant Hill Parcel – 19.6 Acres –
The Southern branch of Jackstraw Brook runs through this woodland. Donated to WCLT as part of the Pheasant Hill development.Valley View North Parcel – 13 Acres –
Jackstraw Brook runs through here after crossing Ruggles Street. Donated to WCLT as part of the Valley View Estates development.
Orchard Swamp Reservation – 38.9 Acres

Hero Property, Orchard Swamp
Four parcels in Orchard Swamp located between Route 9, Lyman Street, Haskell Street, and East Main Street:
Hero Property – 6 Acres -
A beautiful upland in the center of Orchard Swamp. Donated to WCLT by the Hero familyEast Point Reality Property – 14.8 Acres -
Donated as part of the development of the Extended Stay America Hotel on East Main Street.Guzzi Property – 6 Acres -
Adjacent to the Town's parking lot for the Chauncy Beach. Donated to WCLT by David GuzziNational Grid Property – 12.3 acres -
In 2014 WCLT accepted a gift from National Grid of 12.3 acres of land in Orchard Swamp. The area located off East Main Street consists largely of swamp and upland forest of Eastern Hemlock and American Beech. A proposed trail will link the land to the Town’s recreation fields on Haskell Street.
Indian Pond Region – 26.2 Acres
Three parcels along the Assabet River:
Indian Pond Parcel – 14.4 Acres –
A parcel containing a small pond, that was part of the Indian Pond Subdivision. WCLT worked with the homeowners association to transfer the land to produce a contiguous open space adjacent to the Assabet River.Matthews Parcel – 10 Acres -
A piece of shoreline along the Assabet River. Donated to WCLT by the Matthews family.Lydia’s Path Parcel – 1.8 Acres –
A parcel that connects the river to to Maynard Street. Donated to WCLT as part of the Lydia’s Path subdivision.
Oak Bluffs Parcel – 19.9 Acres
A piece of beautiful shoreline along the floodplain of the Assabet River. Donated as open space from the Oak Bluffs development
Hidden Meadow Parcel – 16.2 Acres
Adjacent to the western portion of the Bowman Conservation Area. Since 2006, WCLT has maintained an early successional grassland in the middle of the woods. Donated to WCLT as part of the Valley View Estates development.
Peairs Property – 2.5 Acres
Located adjacent to the 200 acres of the combined Town of Westborough Libbey Conservation Area and New England Forestry Foundation Wile Forest.
North Shore Trail Right of Way – 1 Acre
Two small parcels, one donated by Millie Coyne and the other by Ellen Gugel and Steve Munden, that protect the trail on the North Shore of Mill Pond.
Westborough Community Land Trust, PO Box 838, Westborough , MA 01581
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