2007 Calendar of Events
Sunday |
Hike to Explore the Winter Landscape
Explore the winter landscape to observe signs of winter: mammal tracks, berries and seeds, and winter buds. If there’s snow, wear snowshoes if you want or warm boots. Join this free family event with naturalist and tracking enthusiast Ann Marie Pilch, who has 10 years of experience leading environmental education programs for both children and adults. Ms. Pilch is the Youth Education Coordinator for Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Boylston.
Meet at the Fish & Wildlife parking lot, at the top of Rabbit Hill, off North Drive (first right off Rt.135 after Oak Street lights toward Northborough.) Snow/rain date: February 4. Contact: jmetzger@world.std.com |
Wednesday |
Tackling Invasive Species
"Invasive Species Problems and How to Avoid Them in Your Landscape." Unchecked by natural controls, invasive plants are spreading across the lands and through our waterways, wrecking havoc on our natural ecosystems. Christy Barnes, an ecologist and middle school science teacher, will present some natural history, identification, and tips to deal with the problems presented by invasives, as well as suggest alternative native plants for landscaping. Talk at 7:30pm, co-sponsored with Westborough Garden Club.
Sunday |
10th Anniversary Wine Tasting Party at Arturo’s Restaurant.
For more details, see the 10th Anniversary Gala Flyer. Contact: events@westboroughlandtrust.org |
Tuesday |
Amphibians’ Big Night
Through a narrated slide show, learn all about the “Big Night†phenomenon when salamanders and wood frogs rise up from forest leaf litter and head for their vernal pools to breed. Who are these creatures? Why do they use vernal pools to mate? And how do they know when to migrate? WCLT naturalist Scott Shumway, a Wheaton College Biology Professor, and nature educators from Broad Meadow Audubon Sanctuary describe this migration and vernal pools in Westborough.
Co-sponsored with Friends of the Westborough Library. Contact: Donna Martel, 366-3050 |
Saturday |
Town-Wide Clean-up
Spruce up the town for spring! WCLT will provide supervision and trash bags for volunteers helping to clean up West Meadow Plaza (6:30am) and Lake Chauncy, Rogers Road and Minuteman Park (9:30am)
Contact: gergely1@charter.net |
Saturday |
Edward Howe Forbush Birthday Bird Walk
Join members of the Forbush Bird Club on a morning walk to locations in Westborough searching for spring migrant birds. Meet at the Mass Wildlife parking lot, top of Rabbit Hill, off North Drive and Rt.135.
Contact: krisallen@charter.net |
Saturday |
Storm Drain Stenciling and Marking
Help decrease pollution in our streams and ponds from storm water run-off through this project to alert the public to avoid dumping waste into storm drains. Wear work clothes and gloves for spray painting.
Contact: krisallen@charter.net |
Friday |
Frog Night Hike
Venture into the woods after dark to hear the night sounds of frogs, toads, spring peepers, and other amphibians. Experience the forest and its creatures in a whole new dimension with Lisa Billings, Program Educator at the New England Aquarium. Bring a flashlight and wear boots or waterproof footwear. Meet at parking lot at end of Andrews Drive.
Contact: Jason Marker rekram424@yahoo.com |
Sunday |
National Trails Day Hike Westward Ramble
Join a robust 4-mile family hike from Bowman Conservation Area West through meadows and forests to Gilmore Pond off Gilmore Farm Road. A partial hike (1.1 miles) to Bowman Meadow is an option. Meet at Bowman Conservation Parking area.
Contact: Don Burn burn@acm.org |
Monday |
WCLT 10th Anniversary Party & Annual Meeting
Join members of WCLT to celebrate our first decade and a review of the year’s accomplishments, annual elections, and an interesting program on the environment. The reception with refreshments and conversation starts at 7:00 PM. The business meeting commences at 7:30 PM sharp. Celebrate our first decade with keynote speech by Wes Ward, Director of Land Conservation of the Trustees of Reservations.
Saturday |
WCLT Nature-thon
Family fun for all ages in the outdoors. Young naturalists, ages 3-7, and their families may hunt along an easy trail for cache boxes containing nature lore and stamps. The more adventuresome may undertake this year's Quest, exploring various locations to discover hidden clues and solve the puzzle of the Quest.
Contact: Garry Kessler gkessler001@aol.com |
Sunday |
Farm Frolic
Hike around the 10th oldest family farm in Massachusetts. Join Jon Nourse for a tour of a farm operating since 1722. View strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, and vegetable fields under production. Learn of the farm's history and what the future holds. Meet at the Nourse Farm Stand off Nourse Street
Contact: jwnourse@aol.com |
Wednesday |
Get in the Swing
Enjoy the Westwood Swing Band Concert to benefit WCLT at the Willows on East Main Street. Donations accepted.
Sunday |
Botany at Bowman
The Bowman Conservation Area offers a variety of terrains, from open meadows to deep pine forests. Discover some of its late summer wildflowers and brookside ferns with Barbara Muise and Kris Allen. Meet at the Bowman Street Parking lot.
Contact: bmuise2@aol.com |
Sunday |
Paddling on Mill Pond
Enjoy a paddle on the SUASCO while learning about its ecology, water lilies, exotic milfoil, carnivorous bladderworts, osprey and herons, fish, and whatever else we encounter with Wheaton College Biology Professor Scott Shumway. His book, A Naturalist's Guide to the Atlantic Seashore, will be published in February.  Meet at the Mill Road boat ramp with your own kayak or canoe.
Contact: sshumway@wheatonma.edu |
Saturday |
Gilmore Pond Invasive Control
Come out and help WCLT turn our 10 acre parcel at the headwaters of Jackstraw Brook into a woodland park. We will continue our removal of invasive plants that choke the area. Bring loppers if you have them. Work gloves recommended.
Sunday |
Charm Bracelet Walk— History Hike around Lake Chauncy
Learn about the days of Lake Naggawoomcoom and the Amusement Park as you enjoy a walk at the height of the foliage around the lake. Meet at the Boat Ramp, off Oak Street.
Sunday |
10th Anniversary Photo Exhibition & Contest
Opening Reception: Saturday, November 11 at 3:00-5:00 PM, at Westborough Public Library. View the natural beauties of Westborough, from landscapes to portraits of its birds, wildflowers, and animals through the lens of local nature photographers, young and old.
Archives of Calendar Events:
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Westborough Community Land Trust, PO Box 838, Westborough , MA 01581
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