Libbey - Wile

Photo Courtesy of Barry Hall
Wetland in the Wile Forest
The New England Forestry Foundation Wile Forest was donated in 1986 by William H. Palmer Wile. The property of 89 acres is known as No Man's Land, and Mr. Wile wanted to protect it for future generations to use and enjoy. At the time of donation, Mr. Wile was presented with plaques from the town and NEFF in recognition of his desire to slow down the development of the area. Since that time, houses have steadily crept up the hill to No Man's Land, but they are stopped by a well-managed forest of sugar maple and ash.
In the mid-1990's the Libbey family donated 110 acres of land to the town for school or conservation purposes. This land will become a conservation area in a few years. In 2003 Westborough Community Land Trust acquired an additional 2.5 acres from the Peairs family.

Photo Courtesy of Barry Hall
Winter Trails in Libbey
Constructed in 2002 by volunteers advised by experts from Trailwrights, the Libbey trail takes walkers deep into undeveloped woods. Much of the area is sensitive wildlife habitat, so walkers are asked to leave their dogs at home to avoid disturbing wild animals who live and raise their young here. The trail passes through many wet areas, so choose footwear accordingly, especially in spring and early summer. These wet areas are marked by lush fern growth and wetland plants such as spicebush (Lindera benzoin ) with its small early-spring blossoms and aromatic bark and leaves. The trail also covers lovely wooded uplands and follows scenic stone walls left over from earlier days when these woods were farmland.
In 2003 the trails were extended into Wile Forest from Carroll Drive to connect with the trails in the Libbey property. We ask hikers to enter from Adams Street to respect the privacy of the Carroll Driver neighborhood.

Photo Courtesy of Harry Newell
Moose Sign in Libbey
Orchard Hill (previous segment of the Charm Bracelet)
No next segment of the Charm Bracelet (at this time )
Westborough Community Land Trust, PO Box 838, Westborough , MA 01581
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