How to help the Charm Bracelet

  1. Join the Westborough Community Land Trust

    The Westborough Community Land Trust is the organization driving the construction of the trail system. WCLT has provided the funding that goes into the construction of the trails. WCLT recruits and coordinates the many volunteers who have helped us get this far. WCLT does much more than just the Charm Bracelet through its education, land protection, and stewardship programs. If you are not a member, please join WCLT if you are consider giving a donation.

  2. Walk the trails

    Show your support by getting out and walking the trails. You are actually improving the trails by your walking, as a trail without walkers grows back in and slowly disappears. If you spot a problem on the trail, please contact WCLT by email at .

  3. Adopt a Trail

    WCLT has started a program called Friends of the Charm Bracelet to coordinate groups and individuals interested in adopting specific trails. A friend is asked to walk the trail every three to four weeks looking for problems such as missing signs, downed trees, or other things that need work. A friend is encouraged but not required to do minor trail work such as trimming back branches and picking up trash. You will report any serious problems to WCLT to be taken care of by a work party.

    Adopting a trail and taking care of an area is a great activity for an organization. We also have several individuals who have adopted trails near their homes. If you are interested, send email to

  4. Join a work party

    WCLT runs work parties year-round to maintain the trails. The work is similar to common yard work such as lopping branches, raking leaves, and cutting wood. You can get out for anywhere from one to three hours with other people who are interested in the trails and make a difference in the community. Check the WCLT Calendar for dates, go to the Charm Bracelet Yahoo Group page to join the Charm Bracelet email list for hike and work party announcements, or send email to for more information.

  5. Take on a project

    WCLT maintains a list of major projects for Eagle Scout candidates or other interested individuals or groups. These projects typically require 100 to 200 hours of work. Contact for more information.

  6. Identify possible trails

    Do you know of a trail in town not described on this site? Do you or your organization own land that has trails or would be appropriate for trails and want to help? Contact the WCLT Land Preservation Committee to learn how WCLT can work with you on a trail easement.

  7. Support Open Space efforts in the community

    The Charm Bracelet is snaking its way through the undeveloped areas of town. For us to have a comprehensive network of open space areas, the town will need to protect land for conservation. Tell your town officials you wish to see land protected.

Westborough Community Land Trust, PO Box 838, Westborough , MA 01581
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