Smooth Resampling Details

Resampling and Image Quality:
On the left is a sample reduced with a non-smooth resampling method. On the right is the same sample reduced with a smooth resampling method.


Below are resampling methods available in a few software packages.

  Smoothing Edge Preserving Recommended
PrintShopPro5.01 Bilinear Bicubic & Pixel Resizing Smart
Picture Window 2.5 Smooth Smooth & Nearest Neighbor Smooth
Microsoft Photo Editor 3.0 Smooth 'unchecked'  
Adobe PhotoShop 5.0 Bilinear & Bicubic Bicubic & Nearest Neighbor Bicubic

PrintShopPro5 provides 'smart' resampling to automatically select the best method for the image being resized.

Both Picture Window and Adobe PhotoShop provide single recommended methods optimized for both smoothing and edge sharpness.

In Microsoft Photo Editor, a non-smooth resampling method is available by deselecting the Smooth method.

The recommended resampling methods above are also the default setting for those software packages.

Since different software packages implement these methods differently and evaluating the results is somewhat subjective, you may want try them out yourself.

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